The Benefits

Realise and maximise the full potential of your business

What do you gain?

Improved processes and operational efficiency

Improved processes and operational efficiency culminating in a range of outcomes that can include enhanced profitability, improved reputation, increased customer loyalty, industry recognition, accolades and effectively managing your online reputation on user generated review sites.

Powerful and objective external assessment

The ability to use powerful and objective external assessment to stimulate and measure improvements in service delivery, business excellence, benchmarking and ideas generation.

Create a sustainable service culture

The opportunity for all colleagues and areas of the business to harness thinking of continual improvement together with product and service excellence.

Enhanced colleague retention

Improved retention as individuals feel empowered, listened to, motivated and part of a dynamic team where they can share new ideas and service improvements that positively benefit the organisation.

Benchmark your organisation

Benchmark your organisation against similar businesses being assessed. The scoring system will allow you to identify areas of weakness that allows you to compare your performance with others operating in the same or similar industries and the wider hospitality sector in general.

Improved public relations

Improved public relations, the Hospitality Assured Accreditation is a mark of customer excellence with increased promotion and public awareness, it is an important identifier of customer service excellence.

External feedback

Our in-depth report highlights areas of excellence and more importantly areas of suggested improvement.

Attend regular networking days

At regular intervals, our Hospitality Assured community meets at one of our accredited venue’s around the country. We have a fun interactive day discussing quality, sharing industry issues and look for collaborative solutions.

Hospitality Assured Awards

In conjunction with our colleagues at the Institute of Hospitality we host our annual awards at their lavish annual dinner. This recognises the very best of the Hospitality Assured community and is an ideal opportunity to celebrate excellence with your team.

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